Upcoming Projects News!
This past year has been pretty exciting with the release of Raw Draw and Renegade XL900! Here is what's coming up starting this fall!
This September, get ready for our new Conquest of the First Colony, written by Steph Dumais and illustrated by Mike Bauman with his unmistakably unique style! We are pretty excited about this title, which adds more depth to the Zombie Commandos From Hell! world.
Next up for winter 2022, we will be launching a new crowdfunding campaign for Renegade XL900 issues two and three. You read that right, both issues to complete the trilogy will be funded and released together! Issue two is already completed except for colours at this time.
Beyond this, we have a new creator joining our ranks with a new title which will be revealed later. Work has also begun on a third installment of our violent Bloody Gore Comix Anthology.
And finally, the script for the final issues of Zombie Commandos From Hell! has been revised but work on these issues is still up in the air, as XL900 is keeping creator Steph Dumais pretty busy for a while yet. These will be the most violent and gore drenched issues of the series with even more focus on battles and death scenes. The initial plan was to end this series with a ninth issue but the action is so dense, it had to be split into 2 books. That means The Final Conflict Part Two and Three will complete our zombie apocalypse saga, for a total of 10 books spanning over 20 years!